On July 7th I started getting dizzy spells and checked my pulse, it was slow so I knew that I needed cardiac evaluation, I was in Vadodara. Next day we went to a meeting with the Director of IIT Gandhinagar to encourage rural research in toilets, chulas etc. After the meeting we went to CIMS, I knew the owner Dr. Keyur Parikh, so I thought it is a safe hospital and it is predominantly cardiac care. I was evaluated by Drs Parikh, Ajay Naik and was told that I needed a permanent pacemaker. The pacemaker I got was Medtronic A3DR01 with serial number PZK7544938. They did a fabulous job and it is an excellent hospital full of very competent doctors. On July 20th I went to get my staples removed and get final evaluation by Dr. Naik, everything was fine and got a clean chit to travel back to the US. At CIMS there are two Medtronic employees Rushikesh Hathy and Vinod Nair, they are terrific and did my PM evaluation and also explained the follow up procedure. Vinod is a very young person and told me he has a pacemaker for the past 12 years for a congenital heart block. They made me feel good and very comfortable. Your company should feel very proud that they have such employees and in my opinion starting from the top with executives like yourself and at the patient level such employees is truly a credit to Medtronics. I am writing this to congratulate your company, CIMS and the wonderful employees and want to thank you all for such wonderful care I got. I have been evaluated by Virginia Heart and everything is fine. Keyur, you have a beautiful hospital and the entire staff was very polite and helpful. Ajay, thank you for all that you did for me and making me feel very comfortable by answering all the questions in a very professional manner and making me feel at ease. On a side note, there was a person who accompanied me to CIMS on the 7th and 20th by the name of Kirtibhai, unfortunately he passed away on July 28, probably cardiac( he had prior stents and CABG), he did not wake up from sleep, the irony of the whole thing, he was so kind to help me with my issue and God takes him away. Sorry for this information but I hope he had his evaluation at your institution instead of Vadodara. Best wishes. TG Thakor G. Patel, MD, MACP USA